New Unit this week: What is a community?
Story of the week: A Big Fish for Max
Question of the week: What does a family do together?
Skills: consonant digraphs: /sh/ and /th/ and vowel sound in ball and walk
Comprehensions skill:  main idea and details
Read decodables 52-55 (If some are difficult, keep them until your child masters them)
If they are easy reads, offer other challenging daily reading. Let me know if you need books.
Read the story of the week and answer the read and respond question.
Complete spelling pgs. 27,28  and phonics pgs.127, 128

Please cover the new unit 2 book. Thank you!


We are continuing with subtraction and exploring numbers.
On Friday we will assess on chapter three and continue subtraction strategies. We will then continue exploring subtraction with bigger numbers.
Complete math pages 45, 46, 47 49, 50, and 53.


Attendance: we have earned the attendance award twice this November!  Thank you for  supporting the importance of school attendance.

PTA Meeting this Friday, Nov. 22 at 8:15 am. Please attend.

 Room 4's Thanksgiving  Breakfast Feas
Next Monday we will have our Thanksgiving Breakfast. We will be making butter and cornmeal pancakes. Serve your child a light breakfast at home since he or she will be enjoying a nice breakfast.

 Thanksgiving Basket  Please send in your donation for the basket as soon as possible.
 Thank you for your generosity!

Good News!! No homework next week!

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    Homework updated regularly.